News letter June 2020

How are you?

The declaration of emergency had been removed by the end of May in Japan. I feel a few people are out in the city compared to before.
Recently, the number of groups that have decided to hold live concerts and games with no audience is gradually increasing, and there is a movement to restart the activity itself.
Perhaps the time will soon come when you will be able to watch and participate while staying at home. As an individual, I think there are some concerns about the motivation of players and singers, but from the standpoint of the audience, I think it’s easy to enjoy.
The business structure is gradually changing with the times, but there may be a big change in the entertainment industry in the future.

How to enjoy #STAY HOME

“Write a letter”
Under COVID-19, it became difficult situation to go out or have a meal out side. Improvement of SNS, we can see face to face through a monitor. I did had dinner with friends through SNS. I could saw not only friends who live same area but also who live far from my area so it was just awesome. It’s really fun to talk on SNS but how about writing a letter little while?
It has been become very useful life, but why don’t you try write a letter with your hand writing? “Poor hand writing”, “No idea” or “Kind of bothersome” you may feel this way. So I would like to recommend you to have post card at first. You can start “How are you?” “How have you been?” and a bit about yourself.
When he/she open a post and find your card, he/she must feel happy!!
Alright, let’s write a letter.
Inquiry to: Inquiry Form